ICHS Jendral Soederman University

oleh | Sep 30, 2021

Bekasi: September 23th, 2021. Ms. Edwina Rudyarti, S.Si., M.Sc Had participated in the call for paper as activities of ICHS (Internasional Conference Health Science) organized by Jenderal Soederman University. Tittle the research Presentasion About Knowledge Level and Awareness of Fire Disaster Preparedness: a Cross-sectional Study in a Private Colleges. This study aimed to assess the preparedness of students, lecturers, and staff in facing fire disaster. Result of the research, it can be concluded that the students, lecturers, and staff of Medika Suherman University level of knowledge was related to their awareness of fire disaster preparedness. They also had very good attitude and awareness of disaster preparedness practices in reducing fire risk as they stated that they strongly agreed with the policies, regulations that would be drafted.

“Publication Internasional Conference Health Science (ICHS) interest many researcher for publication result of reseach because h-index scopus level and rating of international. So benefit will be felt by many people, and as a continuation of the outer publication research grants from Kemenristek Dikti’ , said Ms. Edwina when confirmation with the UMS Public Relations . #Red.HumasUMS.